Vasp Software Free Download Mac Columbia University

C-Kermit is a combined network and serialcommunication software package offering a consistent, transport-independent,cross-platform approach to connection establishment, terminal sessions, filetransfer, file management, character-set translation, numeric and alphanumericpaging, and automation of file transfer and management, dialogs, andcommunication tasks through its built-in scripting language. C-Kermitincludes:

  • Along withKermit 95, thefastestand most advancedimplementation of theKermit file transferprotocol available anywhere.
  • A powerful,portable, easy-to-usescript programming language to automate all your routine communications tasks.
  • Consistent operation over serial connections (direct or dialed) andnetwork connections — on a huge selectionof hardware and software platforms.
  • Secureauthentication and strong encryption.
  • Built-in scriptable FTPand HTTP clientsplus anSSH interface
  • Character-settranslation in both file transfer and online sessions,for Western- and Eastern-European languages, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, andJapanese, now including Unicode.
  • Ability to send numeric and alphanumericpages.

Windows Movie Maker is free, easy-to-use software that will let you do basic video editing, including the ability to add titles, music, and transitions. But beware: Many users say the program crashes frequently, so when you're editing a video save your work frequently.

  • Malware—which is the broad category for any malicious software designed to do things such as damage or steal files, spy on a user by recording photos, videos, or keystrokes, or usurp a user's identity—is rampant on both Windows and Macs. Malware specifically targeting Macs has been increasing significantly in recent years, as reported by Security Boulevard in 2019.
  • EndNote is a Columbia University licensed citation management software program, available to faculty, students and staff to download and use.

And lots more --CLICK HERE forspecifications.

C-Kermit 9.0 is available for practically every known variation and version ofUnix, past and present, on every 32- or 64-bit architecture, and for DEC/ Compaq / HP VMS / OpenVMS on VAX, Alpha, and IA64 / IPF. Earlier releasesof C-Kermit remain available for other platforms and operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows and OS/2 (as Kermit 95)
  • 16-bit versions of Unix (e.g.2.xBSD,Tandy 6000 XENIX)

In Unix, C-Kermit can be thought of as a user-friendly and powerfulalternative to cu, tip, minicom, uucp, ftp, ftpd, telnet, ktelnet, rlogin,ssh, find, grep, iconv, recode, expect, wget, sendpage, bc, and to some extenteven Lisp, your shell, and/or Perl; a single package for both network andserial communications, offering automation, helpfulness, and language featuresnot found in most of the other packages, and with most of the same featuresavailable on all its non-Unix platforms (such as VMS), as well as inKermit 95 on Windows9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.

Also see:

  • Kermit 95 (Kermit software for Windows)


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As of version 9.0, C-Kermit has an Open Source license, the Revised 3-Clause BSD License.Everybody can use it as they wish for any purpose, including redistributionand resale. It may be included with any operating system where it works orcan be made to work, including both free and commercial versions of Unix andHewlett-Packard (formerly DEC) VMS (OpenVMS). Technical support will beavailable from Columbia University only through 30 June 2011.

C-Kermit 8.0 and 7.0 have a more restrictive license,CLICK HERE tosee it.

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The user manual for C-Kermit 9.0 is (still) the book UsingC-Kermit, Second Edition [ INFO ], which is current with C-Kermit6.0. Features new in subsequent C-Kermit releases are documented in thesupplements (see links just below).

If you don't have the manual, pleaseorder it. Itexplains step-by-step, with examples and sometimes pictures,how to use C-Kermit: how to make connections, how to troubleshootconnection and file-transfer problems, how to handle character-settranslation, how to write script programs, and lots more; especially usefulsince live Kermit software support is no longer available from ColumbiaUniversity after 30 June 2011. Beginning in 2011, the manual is alsoavailable as a Kindle E-Book.

Online Information Resources:

  • TUTORIAL (html)
  • TUTORIAL (pdf)
  • TUTORIAL(nroff manpage)

If there is sufficient demand, an updated edition of the manual can beproduced for C-Kermit 9.0.

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[ Top ][ Documentation ][ New Features ][ Case Studies ]

You have many choices for downloading:

  • Source Code in tar, zip, or other archiveformats or as separate files: CLICK HERE.
  • Individual Text Files: CLICK HERE.
  • Individual Binaries: CLICK HERE.
  • Install Packages, described just below.

Install packages and prebuilt binaries do NOT include C-Kermit's securityfeatures, due to USA export law. To obtain a version of C-Kermit thatincludes Kerberos, SSL, TLS, or SRP, you must download the source code and build it yourself. Address complaints tothe US Department of Commerce.

C-Kermit 9.0 Install Packages

[ Source Code ][ Individual Binaries ]

Install packages are contributed by Linux and *BSD distributors, OSvendors, user groups, or users (we don't make them ourselves). Thefollowing install packages are presently available for C-Kermit 8.0 and 9.0.

Sun Freeware
Packages for C-Kermit 9.0 for Solaris 8-10 for SPARCand x86 at (findC-Kermit in the menu on the right).
Packages for C-Kermit 9.0 for FreeBSD will appear shortly inthe FreeBSD Portssite, communications section, replacing C-Kermit 8.0.211, or will haveappeared by the time you read this. Visit the page and search for 'kermit'.(G-Kermit is also there.)
C-Kermit 9.0 package for NetBSD is here.
Debian Linux (all versions)
Packages for many architectures (offsite):
C-Kermit 9.0 is working its way up through the Debian package collection(Main section) from “unstable” to“testing” to “stable”. CLICKHERE to find it, wherever it is. It will be labeled 301 or later.
Debian Linux 6.0 ('Squeeze') C-Kermit 8.0.211 PackageCollection
Packages for amd64, armel, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390,and sparc (offsite): the “Non-Free” section.
Sharp Zaurus C-Kermit 8.0.206 ipkg installer (onsite):

CLICK HERE fora general discussion of C-Kermit package making. Note also that the Unixversion of C-Kermit includes its own installation procedure, builtinto the makefile. See Section 5 of the UnixC-Kermit installation guide.

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Download and Build from Source Code

[ Top ][ Unix Build ][ VMS Build ]

You can download C-Kermit 9.0 source and textfiles directly from the Kermit Project in any of several archive formatsby clicking on the following FTP links. The complete archives containsource code, build procedure, license, initialization files, CA certificates,manual page or help topic, initialization files, and plain-text informationfiles extracted from the Web pages listed in the Documentationsection: a complete distribution. The text archives containeverything but the source code; these can used when you download a prebuilt binary.The size of each archive file in megabytes is shown in each cell.

Download with FTP:
Unix Complete 2.9 cku302.zip11.7 cku302.tar 4.1 cku302.tar.Z 2.9 cku302.tar.gz
Unix Text Only 0.8 2.7 cku302txt.tar 1.0 cku302txt.tar.Z 0.8 cku302txt.tar.gz
VMS Complete 2.8
VMS Text Only 0.6
Download with HTTP (in case FTP is blocked at your site):
Unix Complete 2.9 cku302.zip11.7 cku302.tar 4.1 cku302.tar.Z 2.9 cku302.tar.gz
Unix Text Only 0.8 2.7 cku302txt.tar 1.0 cku302txt.tar.Z 0.8 cku302txt.tar.gz
VMS Complete 2.8
VMS Text Only 0.6

(Zip archives contain only text files, unzip them with '-a' or '-aa'.)

Besides those, we also have C-Kermit 7.0 archives for the followingplatforms that have not been updated since then:; (http)
Source code and text files for Stratus VOS, ZIP archive (text filesin DOS format) (C-Kermit 7.0).; (http)
Source code and text files for Microware OS-9/68k, ZIP archive(text files in DOS format). (C-Kermit 7.0).

If you want to monitor the day-to-day progress of C-Kermit development,you can find the current working source code HERE.

Source code and text files are also available separately in the kermit/ckermit/directory. These include files for platforms other than Unix and VMS, suchas Stratus VOS, Data General AOS/VS, OS-9, the Amiga, etc. All files inthis directory are text files; transfer them in text mode. See the ckaaaa.txtfile for details.NOTE: The Unix and VMS source files areat 9.0 level. The VOS, Amiga, OS-9, and AOS/VS versions remain at 7.0 level.Others (Macintosh, Atari ST) have not yet been updated in along while due to lack or programmers and/or platforms;volunteers welcome. And of course anybody interested in portingC-Kermit to new platforms is more than welcome to contact us about it; we'll be happy toget you started.

[ Top ][ Hints & Tips ][ Kermit Home ]

Unix Build Instructions

[ Top ][ Unix Hints & Tips ][ Unix Installation Instructions ]
  1. Make a fresh directory and 'cd' to it. Example:
  2. Download the appropriate source code archive.
  3. If you downloaded a compressed tar file, uncompress it. Examples:
  4. If you downloaded a tar archive, 'un-tar' it. Example:

    If you downloaded a Zip archive, unzip it. Example:

  5. Now you can delete the tar archive (or zip archive) if you wish:
  6. Read the comments atthe top of the makefile to find out which target is appropriate for your computer and operating system, and then give theappropriate 'make' command. Examples:
  7. Quick install: move the resulting 'wermit' binary to/usr/local/bin/kermit and give it the same owner, group, andpermissions as minicom or cu. Move the to theappropriateman page directory and rename it as appropriate, e.g. to kermit.1.For more detailed instructions, read the C-Kermit installationinstructions, especially if you had trouble with any of these steps, or ifyou will be using C-Kermit to dial out. The mostconvenient way to install is to the use makefile's install target('make install'); read about it HERE. See the configuration optionsguide for information about compile-time options for customizing thefeature set.

You can also download individual Unix binaries from the C-Kermit binaries table, but to avoid library or other versionmismatches, it is better to build from source code if you can.

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Vasp software

VMS Build Instructions

University[ Top ][ VMS Hints & Tips ][ VMS Installation Instructions ]

If you want to install a prebuilt VMS binary, then fetch the mostappropriate VMS binary from the C-Kermit binariestable. Pick a VAX binary for a VAX or an Alpha binary for an Alpha. TheVMS version number for the binary must be less than or equal to your VMSversion. If you want to make TCP/IP connections, pick the binary for theappropriate TCP/IP product (TGV Multinet, DEC UCX, Process Software TCPware,etc), again with a version number less than or equal to yours; if none can befound, then try a UCX version (since most non-DEC TCP products includebuilt-in UCX emulation). If you downloaded a prebuilt binary, also downloadthe VMS C-Kermit text-file archive. Then read the installationinstructions for VMS.

If you want to build from source code, fetch the VMS complete archiveabove if you have VMS-based unpacking tools,otherwise get the source files and text individually as described just below.NOTE: Unzip the Zip file with 'unzip-a'.

  1. Make a fresh directory and SET DEFAULT to it. Example:
  2. Download the VMS source code Ziparchive.
  3. Unpack the Zip archive. Example:
  4. Run the build procedure:

    If you have a pre-5.0 VMS release, use the 'old' build procedure:

    If you experience any trouble, read the comments at thetop of the build procedure.

  5. This makes a WERMIT.EXE file in your current directory.Start it with:
  6. To install the version of Kermit you have just built,read the installationinstructions.

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Individual Binaries

[ Top ][ Binaries Table ][ C-Kermit Installation Instructions ]

The C-Kermit binaries table isHERE.Before visiting the table, you should read this section.

When you download a prebuilt-Kermit binary, you should also download theC-Kermit text files, unpack them if necessary, andinstall them as desired. NOTE: In Unix, you can still use'make install',even if if you did not use the makefile to build your Kermit binary (themakefile as well as all the text files you need are in the text archive).

In the binaries table,filenames start with 'ck' for C-Kermit, then one letter or digit to indicatethe platform ('u' for Unix, 'd' for Data General AOS/VS, 'v' for VMS,'i' for Amiga, '9' OS-9, 'p' for Plan 9, etc). After that comes athree-digit edit number:

188: Version 5A(188), November 1992 through September 1993.
189: Version 5A(189), September 1993 through October 1994.
190: Version 5A(190), October 1994 through September 1996.
192: Version 6.0.192, September 1996 through December 1999.
193: Version 6.1.193, November 1996 through June 1998.
194: Version 6.1.194, June 1998 through December 1998.
195: Version 7.0.195, January 1999 through August 1999.
196: Version 7.0.196, September 1999 through final release 1 Jan 2000.
197: Version 7.0.197, January-February 2000.
200: Version 8.0.200, December 2001.
201: Version 8.0.201, February 2002.
206: Version 8.0.206, October 2002.
208: Version 8.0.208, 14 March 2003.
209: Version 8.0.209, 17 March 2003.
211: Version 8.0.211, 10 April 2004.
300: Version 9.0.300, 30 June 2011.
301: Version 9.0.301, 11 July 2011.
302: Version 9.0.302, 20 August 2011.
Then a possible test-version designator:'a' for Alpha or 'b' for Beta, followed by the 2-digit test number. Examples:

Test versions are included here only for platforms that do not have a finalbuild available (usually because the machine disappeared or had an OS upgradebefore the final C-Kermit release).

Note that edits 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 202-05, and 212-299 were neverformally released (191 was only for OS/2).

The rest of the name is platform-dependent; in Unix it's the name ofthe makefile target, optionally followed by specific hardware platform and/orOS version, when it makes a difference. In VMS it's the platform ('axp'(i.e. Alpha) or 'vax'), then the VMS version number (e.g. 'vms73'), and thenTCP/IP product and version number (or 'nonet' if TCP/IP support is not builtin). And so on. VMS TCP/IP product codes are as follows:

ucx DEC / Compaq / HP TCP/IP
tgv TGV MultiNet
pst Process Software TCPware
twg The Wollongong Group WIN/TCP or PathWay
cmu Carnegie-Mellon University CMU/IP

REMEMBER: It's often better to build your own binarythan to run a prebuilt one, due to the ever-increasing likelihood of OSand/or library version mismatch.

After downloading, rename to 'kermit' or 'kermit.exe' (etc),as appropriate for your operating system and, if necessary,give execute permission, e.g. (in Unix):

Also remember that before C-Kermit can be used to dial out from Unix, it willprobably also be necessary to give the Kermit executable a certain owner andgroup, and to set it suid and/or sgid bits, to allow it access to the dialoutdevice and/or lockfile directory (the same as any other dialout software,such as cu or minicom). ReadSections 10and 11 of theUnix C-Kermit installation guide.

  1. 'curses' refers to the fullscreen file-transfer display, used whentransferring files over dialout or network connections. It's nice but itadds size and sometimes causes problems so if a 'curses' version gives youtrouble, try a no-curses (NC) version. On platforms that have a choice between'traditional curses' and 'new curses' (ncurses), you might also have a choiceof binaries -- if one doesn't work, try the other.
  2. Likewise, some binaries come in TCP/IP and non-TCP/IP versions. If yourcomputer doesn't have TCP/IP installed, choose the non-TCP/IP version (ifavailable). A TCP/IP-enabled binary almost certainly will not run onplatforms that don't have TCP/IP installed.
  3. And some binaries come in optimized and non-optimized versions; thisrefers to compile-time optimization. Choose the optimized version, but if itgives you trouble, try the corresponding non-optimized one, if available (someoptimizers have bugs). When optimization is marked in the table, O meansnormal optimization, O- means no optimization, O+ means extra optimization.
  4. Some binaries are available in gcc and non-gcc versions; that is, versionsbuilt using two different compilers. If one gives you trouble, try the otherif available. Some compilers have bugs; some compilers support features thatother ones don't.
  5. Some HP-UX binaries (notably, the HP-UX 7.00 ones) are built for longfilename (255 chars) file systems, others for short-filename (14 chars)systems; these are marked with SF and LF. Choose one that is appropriatefor your file system.
  6. Some Linux binaries are linked with libc, some with glibc. Pick the onethat is appropriate for your Linux system. Better yet, just build from source('make linux' should work on any Linux system).
If you are able to make a binary not listed in thetable
(or that is listed, but is not current), pleasecontribute it tothe archive.

CLICKHERE to visit the C-Kermit binaries table.

Questions? Comments? -- Send e-mail.


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C-Kermit 9.0 / Columbia University /

Vasp software, free download Mac Columbia University Email

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With more and more news outlets incorporating video onto their websites, learning how to shoot and edit digital video news reports is a must.

But while a digital video can now be shot with something as simple and inexpensive as a cellphone, professional video editings software programs like Adobe Premiere Pro or Apple's Final Cut can still be daunting for beginners, both in cost and complexity.

The good news is that there are plenty of free alternatives. Some, like Windows Movie Maker, are probably already on your computer. Others can be downloaded from the web. And many of these free video editing programs are pretty easy to use.

So if you want to add digital video news reports to your blog or website, here are some options that will allow you to do basic video editing quickly and cheaply. (The caveat here is that if you eventually want to produce professional-looking news videos, you're probably going to want to master Premiere Pro or Final Cut at some point. Those are the programs used by professional videographers at news websites, and are well worth learning.)

Vasp Software


Windows Movie Maker

Vasp software, free download Mac Columbia University Student

Windows Movie Maker is free, easy-to-use software that will let you do basic video editing, including the ability to add titles, music, and transitions. But beware: Many users say the program crashes frequently, so when you're editing a video save your work frequently. Otherwise, you may lose everything you've done and have to start again.

YouTube Video Editor

YouTube is the world's most popular video upload site, so it makes sense that it offers a basic video editing program. But the emphasis here is on BASIC. You can trim your clips and add simple transitions and music, but that's about it. And you can only edit videos that you've already uploaded to YouTube.


iMovie is Apple's equivalent of Windows Movie Maker. It comes installed free on Macs. Users say it's a good basic editing program, but if you don't have a Mac, you're out of luck.


Wax is free video editing software that's a bit more sophisticated than the other programs mentioned here. Its strength is in the array of special effects options offered. But its greater sophistication means a steeper learning curve. Some users say it can be tricky to learn.


This is a feature-rich editing program that comes in both free and paid versions, but people who have used it say even the free version offers lots of sophisticated features. Of course, as with any of the more versatile editing programs, Lightworks takes time to learn and may be intimidating for neophytes.


WeVideo is a cloud-based editing program that comes in both free and paid versions. It's both PC and Mac-compatible and offers users the ability to work on their videos anywhere or to share and collaborate on video editing projects.